Life After Death
Life After Death

40 x 30 IN

Acrylic on Canvas

Reality Vs The Brand
Reality Vs The Brand

20 x 16 IN

Acrylic, Plastic Six Pack Rings

and Fool's Gold Leaf

The Lost Soul of a Free Spirit
The Lost Soul of a Free Spirit

30 x 20 IN

Acrylic, Collage and Oil on Paper on Canvas

The Yellow Octopus in the Room
The Yellow Octopus in the Room

28 x 22 IN

Acrylic and Collage on Canvas

The Long Way Home
The Long Way Home

40 x 30 IN

Acrylic on Canvas

The Love Between the Moon and the Deep Blue Sea
The Love Between the Moon and the Deep Blue Sea

36 x 24 IN

Acrylic on Canvas

Cock Tale
Cock Tale

12 x 9 IN

Mixed Media


12 x 9 IN

Mixed Media

All That Glitters is Not Gold
All That Glitters is Not Gold

14 x 11 IN

Mixed Media

The Passage of the Phoenix
The Passage of the Phoenix

24 x 18 IN

Oil Pastel

Paper Mounted on Canvas

Stagnate Potential
Stagnate Potential

24 x 18 IN

Oil Pastel

Paper Mounted on Canvas

Mass Consumption on the Move
Mass Consumption on the Move

24 x 18 IN

Oil Pastel

Paper Mounted on Canvas

New Paltz
New Paltz

30 x 21 3/4 IN

Oil Pastel on Paper

Leaves of Grass
Leaves of Grass

34 x 22 CM

Oil Pastel on Paper

Kermit's Search for Henson
Kermit's Search for Henson

34 x 22 CM

Oil Pastel on Paper


34 x 22 CM

Oil Pastel on Paper


34 x 22 CM

Oil Pastel on Paper

Life After Death
Reality Vs The Brand
The Lost Soul of a Free Spirit
The Yellow Octopus in the Room
The Long Way Home
The Love Between the Moon and the Deep Blue Sea
Cock Tale
All That Glitters is Not Gold
The Passage of the Phoenix
Stagnate Potential
Mass Consumption on the Move
New Paltz
Leaves of Grass
Kermit's Search for Henson
Life After Death

40 x 30 IN

Acrylic on Canvas

Reality Vs The Brand

20 x 16 IN

Acrylic, Plastic Six Pack Rings

and Fool's Gold Leaf

The Lost Soul of a Free Spirit

30 x 20 IN

Acrylic, Collage and Oil on Paper on Canvas

The Yellow Octopus in the Room

28 x 22 IN

Acrylic and Collage on Canvas

The Long Way Home

40 x 30 IN

Acrylic on Canvas

The Love Between the Moon and the Deep Blue Sea

36 x 24 IN

Acrylic on Canvas

Cock Tale

12 x 9 IN

Mixed Media


12 x 9 IN

Mixed Media

All That Glitters is Not Gold

14 x 11 IN

Mixed Media

The Passage of the Phoenix

24 x 18 IN

Oil Pastel

Paper Mounted on Canvas

Stagnate Potential

24 x 18 IN

Oil Pastel

Paper Mounted on Canvas

Mass Consumption on the Move

24 x 18 IN

Oil Pastel

Paper Mounted on Canvas

New Paltz

30 x 21 3/4 IN

Oil Pastel on Paper

Leaves of Grass

34 x 22 CM

Oil Pastel on Paper

Kermit's Search for Henson

34 x 22 CM

Oil Pastel on Paper


34 x 22 CM

Oil Pastel on Paper


34 x 22 CM

Oil Pastel on Paper

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