Opening Night


 NANCY REAGAN KILLED THE NIPPLE. Life and Death in the Age of Progress (Left), 30 x 20 IN, Oil on Canvas    Serenity (Right) 40 x 30 IN, Oil on Canvas

NANCY REAGAN KILLED THE NIPPLE. Life and Death in the Age of Progress (Left), 30 x 20 IN, Oil on Canvas

Serenity (Right) 40 x 30 IN, Oil on Canvas

 Serenity  40 x 30 IN  Oil on Canvas


40 x 30 IN

Oil on Canvas

 PT Barnum’s Silver Lining  30 x 24 IN  Mixed Media & Found Objects

PT Barnum’s Silver Lining

30 x 24 IN

Mixed Media & Found Objects

 The Lightning Bugs you’ll see while tripping with Bob Ross in Greenwood Cemetery.  30 x 24 IN  Oil on Linen

The Lightning Bugs you’ll see while tripping with Bob Ross in Greenwood Cemetery.

30 x 24 IN

Oil on Linen

 ‘Really…Coltrane’s on the Horizon? What’s next…ALL SPERM GO TO HEAVEN???’  ‘No. Some sperm don’t go nowhere.’  30 x 20 IN  Oil on Canvas

‘Really…Coltrane’s on the Horizon? What’s next…ALL SPERM GO TO HEAVEN???’

‘No. Some sperm don’t go nowhere.’

30 x 20 IN

Oil on Canvas

 Title card detail:  ‘Really…Coltrane’s on the Horizon? What’s next…ALL SPERM GO TO HEAVEN???’  ‘No. Some sperm don’t go nowhere.’

Title card detail:

‘Really…Coltrane’s on the Horizon? What’s next…ALL SPERM GO TO HEAVEN???’

‘No. Some sperm don’t go nowhere.’

 It ain’t 3 card monte in Coney when the man comes around.  24 x 18 IN  Acrylic & Oil on Linen

It ain’t 3 card monte in Coney when the man comes around.

24 x 18 IN

Acrylic & Oil on Linen

 Detail of a gold toothed smile and title card.

Detail of a gold toothed smile and title card.

 C.R.I.S.P.R.’s Resurrection of the Dart King & the Fate of the Honey Bee  24 X 18 IN  Oil on Linen

C.R.I.S.P.R.’s Resurrection of the Dart King & the Fate of the Honey Bee

24 X 18 IN

Oil on Linen

 In progress studio shot

In progress studio shot

 Studio shot of underpainting

Studio shot of underpainting

 NANCY REAGAN KILLED THE NIPPLE. Life and Death in the Age of Progress  30 x 20 IN  Oil on Canvas

NANCY REAGAN KILLED THE NIPPLE. Life and Death in the Age of Progress

30 x 20 IN

Oil on Canvas

 NANCY REAGAN KILLED the NIPPLE  propaganda sticker and show invitation


propaganda sticker and show invitation

 NANCY REAGAN KILLED THE NIPPLE. Life and Death in the Age of Progress (Left), 30 x 20 IN, Oil on Canvas    Serenity (Right) 40 x 30 IN, Oil on Canvas
 Serenity  40 x 30 IN  Oil on Canvas
 PT Barnum’s Silver Lining  30 x 24 IN  Mixed Media & Found Objects
 The Lightning Bugs you’ll see while tripping with Bob Ross in Greenwood Cemetery.  30 x 24 IN  Oil on Linen
 ‘Really…Coltrane’s on the Horizon? What’s next…ALL SPERM GO TO HEAVEN???’  ‘No. Some sperm don’t go nowhere.’  30 x 20 IN  Oil on Canvas
 Title card detail:  ‘Really…Coltrane’s on the Horizon? What’s next…ALL SPERM GO TO HEAVEN???’  ‘No. Some sperm don’t go nowhere.’
 It ain’t 3 card monte in Coney when the man comes around.  24 x 18 IN  Acrylic & Oil on Linen
 Detail of a gold toothed smile and title card.
 C.R.I.S.P.R.’s Resurrection of the Dart King & the Fate of the Honey Bee  24 X 18 IN  Oil on Linen
 In progress studio shot
 Studio shot of underpainting
 NANCY REAGAN KILLED THE NIPPLE. Life and Death in the Age of Progress  30 x 20 IN  Oil on Canvas
 NANCY REAGAN KILLED the NIPPLE  propaganda sticker and show invitation

Opening Night


NANCY REAGAN KILLED THE NIPPLE. Life and Death in the Age of Progress (Left), 30 x 20 IN, Oil on Canvas

Serenity (Right) 40 x 30 IN, Oil on Canvas


40 x 30 IN

Oil on Canvas

PT Barnum’s Silver Lining

30 x 24 IN

Mixed Media & Found Objects

The Lightning Bugs you’ll see while tripping with Bob Ross in Greenwood Cemetery.

30 x 24 IN

Oil on Linen

‘Really…Coltrane’s on the Horizon? What’s next…ALL SPERM GO TO HEAVEN???’

‘No. Some sperm don’t go nowhere.’

30 x 20 IN

Oil on Canvas

Title card detail:

‘Really…Coltrane’s on the Horizon? What’s next…ALL SPERM GO TO HEAVEN???’

‘No. Some sperm don’t go nowhere.’

It ain’t 3 card monte in Coney when the man comes around.

24 x 18 IN

Acrylic & Oil on Linen

Detail of a gold toothed smile and title card.

C.R.I.S.P.R.’s Resurrection of the Dart King & the Fate of the Honey Bee

24 X 18 IN

Oil on Linen

In progress studio shot

Studio shot of underpainting

NANCY REAGAN KILLED THE NIPPLE. Life and Death in the Age of Progress

30 x 20 IN

Oil on Canvas


propaganda sticker and show invitation

show thumbnails